Dissertation Councils of Derzhavin University
Dissertation council D 212.261.04 for the defense of dissertations for the academic degrees of doctor (candidate) of philological sciences was approved by order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in 2001 No. 868-v. The Council was re-affirmed in connection with the expansion of the list of specialties by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by order No. 2048-1263 dated October 19, 2007 for the period of validity of the nomenclature of specialties; the latest changes to the composition of the council are order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 629/nc dated October 7, 2013.
The joint dissertation council was created on the basis of three universities: Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State Technical University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin". The Council accepts doctoral and candidate's theses for defense in the following specialties:
5.6.1. Domestic history (historical sciences);
5.6.2. General history (historical sciences).
The topics of dissertations are developed within the framework of current trends in the development of the presented branches of knowledge. Dissertation research materials can be used in the preparation of textbooks, lectures, special courses, as well as for writing general works on Russian history and world history.
Materials from dissertation research covering historical periods of development of the Tambov region can be used in the development of general and special courses on the socio-economic history of the region and local history. Factual research material can be used by guides to conduct thematic excursions.
Dissertation research covering the period of the Great Patriotic War allows us to deepen our understanding of modern problems of defense training of the civilian population and contribute to solving the problems facing defense societies. The conclusions of the work help to get closer to an objective assessment of the military policy of the Soviet Union on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.
It is also possible to use research results in developing concepts of modern politics, programs for economic, social and cultural development. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin became the winner of the competition of educational institutions of higher professional education that implement innovative educational programs and was among the forty best innovatively developing universities in the country. At Derzhavin Tambov State University, over the long years of existence of the Tambov historical school, significant experience in research in the field of national and world history has been accumulated.
In accordance with the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated June 3, 2021 No. 561/nc, the code of the joint dissertation council D 999.169.03 was changed to from June 4, 2021.
Tambov, ul. Internatsionalnaya, 181 K, office 214
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 8629
Joint dissertation council, created on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Eletsk State University named after. I.A. Bunin", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin”, opened by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 1419/nk dated October 28, 2022. The Council accepts doctoral and candidate's theses for defense in the following specialty:
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.
Ilona Alekseyevna EVSTIGNEYEVA
The scientific secretary of the dissertation council, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Tambov, ul. Internatsionalnaya, 33
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 0171
Dissertation council D 212.261.04 for the defense of dissertations for the academic degrees of doctor (candidate) of philological sciences was approved by order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in 2001 No. 868-v. The Council was re-affirmed in connection with the expansion of the list of specialties by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by order No. 2048-1263 dated October 19, 2007 for the period of validity of the nomenclature of specialties; the latest changes to the composition of the council are order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 629/nc dated October 7, 2013.
The Council accepts doctoral and candidate's theses for defense in the following specialties:
5.9.6. Languages of the peoples of foreign countries (Germanic languages) (philological sciences);
5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics (philological sciences).
126 dissertations were defended in the council (including 9 doctoral ones). All dissertations were completed in the field of modern scientific areas:
• cognitive linguistics,
• pragmalinguistics (including morphopragmatics),
• phonology (including phonopragmatics),
• functional linguistics, within the framework of communicative and anthropocentric approaches to the study of linguistic units.
Dissertations of applicants from Tambov, Belgorod, Vologda, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Krasnoyarsk, Kursk, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Cherepovets, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Astrakhan, Irkutsk were defended in the council.
Defense of dissertations prepared on the basis of Derzhavin University, clearly demonstrate the productive work of the scientific schools “Cognitive Linguistics. Interaction of mental and linguistic structures” (supervisor – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philology, Professor N.N. Boldyrev); “Interaction of language and culture: problems of linguoculturology and pragmalinguistics” (supervisor – Doctor of Philology, Professor N.V. Ushkova). Defended dissertations are of great theoretical importance for the development of the above-mentioned areas of modern linguistics. The results and conclusions are successfully applied:
• in theoretical courses on intercultural communication and linguoculturology;
• theory and practice of translation;
• cognitive science;
• grammar;
• text linguistics, stylistics;
• lexicology;
• comparative typology;
• linguopragmatics;
• theoretical and practical phonetics, text interpretation;
• in lexicographic practice;
• when compiling textbooks, teaching aids, reference books and methodological recommendations;
• when teaching English, German, French as foreign languages;
• in special courses on aspectology, temporology, theory and poetics of text, speech etiquette, theory of speech acts, discourse analysis, communication theory.
The dissertation research materials are included in the following lecture courses: “Lexicology of the modern English language”, “Lexicology of the modern German language”, “Comparative typology of the English and Russian languages”, “Comparative typology of the German and Russian languages”, “Introduction to linguistics”, “Theoretical grammar” English language", "Theoretical grammar of the German language", "Stylistics of the German language", "Stylistics of the English language", "Theory and practice of translation". The relevance of the results obtained, the theoretical and practical significance of dissertations defended in the council, indicate the high level of research conducted within the Tambov Linguistic School and the recognition of its achievements.
Irina Nikolaevna TOLMACHEVA
Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Office 320
Tambov, ul. Internatsionalnaya, 33
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 6057
The dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations D 212.261.03 was approved by order of the Higher Attestation Commission No. 686-v dated December 1, 2000, re-approved in connection with the expansion of the list of specialties by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by order No. 798-746/71 dated 04/20/2007. Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 2397-1865 dated December 7, 2007 extended the validity of the council for the period of validity of the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers dated January 31, 2001 No. 47. Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 1925-850 of 08.09.2009 extended the validity of the council for the validity period of the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers from 02/25/2009 No. 59.
The Council accepts doctoral and candidate's theses for defense in the following specialties:
5.9.1. Russian literature and literatures of the peoples of the Russian Federation (philological sciences);
5.9.5. Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia (philological sciences).
Since the creation of the dissertation council, more than 20 doctoral and 250 candidate dissertations have been defended in it. The topics of the works considered by the council reflected current issues of modern philology. In addition to graduates of doctoral and postgraduate studies at Derzhavin University, dissertations completed by graduate students and applicants from other universities were successfully defended: Tambov State Technical University (Tambov), Michurinsky State Pedagogical Institute (Michurinsk), Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical University (Borisoglebsk), Orthodox St. Tikhvin Humanitarian University University (Moscow), Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (Lipetsk), Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yesenin (Ryazan), Pskov State Pedagogical University named after. S. Kirova (Pskov), Penza State University (Penza).
Development of dissertation research topics in the specialty 5.9.1. Russian literature and the literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation is carried out in connection with the restoration of literary names and works, the search for archival material and its introduction into the scientific world. A number of dissertations present the formation, methods of expression, and semantics of poetics in various types of literary texts. These studies addressed complex theoretical issues:
• genres and typology of genres;
• conceptual content of modern literary terminology;
• principles of methods for describing new literary works;
• a system of images, categories of literary analysis and their relationship with the near-literary process;
• the specificity of the writer’s creativity and its place in the time of the literary process and modernity;
• poetics of literary text;
• trends in the development of literary creativity;
• intertextual ways of expressing the main components of the content of the work;
• trends in the development of modern literature and others.
Topics of work in specialty 5.9.5. Russian language. The languages of the peoples of Russia is associated with research in the field of lexicology, lexicography of the modern Russian language and its dialects in the Tambov region (joint work with the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, grant E 0322/2127), with the development of text theory, with the study of grammatical expression and poetic function of grammatical forms and semantics of the text, the study of the author's originality of the language of works (E.I. Zamyatin, V. Maksimov; S. Sergeev-Tsensky), as well as theories of parts of speech and syntax. During the defense, the results of scientific research of the Tambov Linguistic School (headed by V.G. Rudelev), and the laboratory “Modern Russian dialects in the system of linguistic culture” (headed by S.V. Piskunova) were presented.
The effectiveness of studying the Russian language was further confirmed in linguistic research on the theory of poetic speech and the linguistic features of the Russian palindrome, poeticization and depoetization in the texts of the author's song. A large number of dissertations present the definition of lexical-semantic groups, the hierarchy of lexical meanings and oppositions in the structure of literary and dialect texts. Numerous works are devoted to the description of the grammatical structure of the modern Russian language and the solution of current theoretical problems in this regard. The theoretical provisions and methods of cognitive linguistics being developed under the program of the “Russian Association of Cognitive Linguists” (Tambov) found their productive solution in describing the communicative and cognitive characteristics of pragmatic clichés of polemical discourse, the linguistic picture of the world in the system of antonymic oppositions of Russian epic texts, mental and linguistic representation of the concept good/good in the Russian linguistic consciousness. The level of demonstrated scientific results is quite high and is associated not only with the work of graduate students during their studies, testing the main provisions of dissertations during teaching practice, but also with the work of teachers of the departments in which theses were completed. The development of topical problems of literary criticism and linguistics allowed the authors of the works to prepare and publish textbooks, teaching aids, and methodological recommendations for students.
Nadezhda Gennadievna SEREBRENNIKOVA
The scientific secretary of the dissertation council, PhD in Philology
Tambov, ul. Internatsionalnaya, 181 K
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 8218, ext. 8217
Joint dissertation council, created on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Eletsk State University named after. I.A. Bunin", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin”, opened by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 1419/nk dated October 28, 2022. The Council accepts doctoral and candidate's theses for defense in the following specialty:
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.
Tatiana Aleksandrovna SHCHUCHKA
The scientific secretary of the dissertation council, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Tambov, ul. Internatsionalnaya, 33
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 0171