The fundamental library is an important part of the scientific and educational environment of Derzhavin University. The idea of creating a student library was born with the emergence of Tambov State University in 1918. At that time the scientific collection of the library consisted of about 400 books. Today it is a modern intellectual information center that meets the challenges of innovative development of higher education. The library holdings include:
- more than 1 million printed publications,
- about 300 titles of printed and electronic scientific journals,
- collection of rare books of the 18th-19th centuries,
- its own electronic library, which contains more than 1 thousand electronic educational and scientific publications of university teaching authors, more than 700 digitized documents from the rare library collections, collections of scientific conference materials, scientific reports of students.
Website of the Fundamental Library
Electronic catalog of library resources
Virtual book exhibitions
Reviews of new book arrivals
Virtual reference service
The library provides students and teachers with remote access to electronic textbooks and scientific resources, which they can use from computer desks in reading rooms, departments, university computer classes, or via the Internet in any convenient place, from personal gadgets.
Electronic libraries of educational literature:
- Electronic library system “University Library on-line”,
- Electronic library system “Urayt”,
- Electronic library system “Student Consultant”.
Scientific electronic resources:
- Springer eBook Collections – a full-text archival collection of electronic books published by Springer Nature in English in various fields of knowledge.
- AIP Publishing – collection of e-books of the American Institute of Physics (American Institute of Physics).
- Electronic resources published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. – The Wiley Journals Database, containing a full-text collection of electronic journals in various fields of knowledge in English.
- Archive of scientific journals from foreign publishing houses (Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Annual Reviews and others).
- Scientific electronic library is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of scientific articles and publications.
A remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library named after B.N. has been opened at the TSU Fundamental Library. Yeltsin, allowing historians, political scientists, and philologists to work with archival documents and digital resources of the country's best library. The library is equipped with modern telecommunications, multimedia equipment, copying and duplicating equipment, Wi-Fi, and provides free access to the Internet.
A remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin has been opened at the Fundamental Library of Derzhavin University, allowing historians, political scientists, and philologists to work with archival documents and digital resources of the best library. The library is equipped with modern telecommunications, multimedia equipment, copying and duplicating equipment, Wi-Fi, and provides free access to the Internet.
Registration of readers and distribution of literature are carried out with the help of IT technologies and students’ electronic cards. Educational literature is issued for a semester. At the end of the semester, books must be returned or their period of use extended by coming to the library in person or online through the service on the library website. During the summer holidays, readers are required to return all borrowed books to the library.
The library organizes meetings with writers and poets for readers, trainings and master classes on the development of information and communication competencies, events to introduce the history and culture of Russia and the Tambov region, and intellectual games
Educational literature service departments are located in educational buildings
Academic building №1 (ul. Sovetskaya, 93)
Academic building № 2 (Komsomolskaya Ploshchad, 5)
Academic building № 4 (ul. Sovetskaya, 6)
Academic building № 9 (ul. Sovetskaya, 181 K)
Reading rooms are located in educational buildings
Academic building № 2 (Komsomolskaya Ploshchad, 5)
Academic building № 4 (ul. Sovetskaya, 6)
Working hours:
Monday – Friday: 9.00 - 18.00;
Saturday: 9.00 - 17.00.
Nataliya Aleksandrovna STEFANOVSKAYA
Director, Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor
392000, Tambov, ul. Sovetskaya, 6
+7 (4752) 72-34-34, ext. 4500