The Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University was awarded the Tambov Region Government Prize. At the ceremonial event dedicated to the Day of the Russian Press, the letter of thanks was presented by the acting head of the Tambov Region, Yevgeny Pervyshov.
Today, Derzhavin University offers all levels of university education: bachelor's degree in Journalism, master's programs in Journalism of the Digital Environment and Public Communications in the Digital Environment, and postgraduate studies in Media Communications and Journalism.
– The regional government noted the effective interaction of the department in training specialists for the media sphere, which is implemented in cooperation with the practical industry. The main educational programs in Journalism were formed in response to the requests and with the participation of the editorial offices of the region's media and have a high practice-oriented component. In addition, the department's contribution to the education of future journalists in civic consciousness and traditional spiritual and moral values is especially emphasized within the framework of the All-Russian Forum of Media Volunteers "Live with Meaning. All Russia", which Derzhavin University has been holding for the second year with the support of Rosmolodezh, - says Svetlana Serova, Head of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University.
The Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University cooperates with industry partner enterprises. The educational program of the bachelor's degree "Journalism" is implemented in a network format with the television of the Tambov region "Novy Vek". The educational program of the master's degree "Journalism of the digital environment" - in cooperation with the Publishing House "Tambov".
The cycle of disciplines in the field of communications in the digital environment is provided by the basic department of digital communications of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for the Development of Digital Projects in the Field of Public Relations and Communications "Dialogue Regions" (Moscow).
In 2024, the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University became a laureate of the rating of departments of advertising and public relations of Russian universities of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia.
By order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, a Support and Methodological Center was created on the basis of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, whose tasks include developing the concept of an educational and methodological complex for the discipline Journalism for non-major specialties within the framework of the module "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood".
In accordance with the state information policy, the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University, under the grant support of Rosmolodezh, held the district (Central Federal District) Forum of Media Volunteers "Live with Meaning". In 2024, the All-Russian Forum of Media Volunteers "Live with Meaning. All Russia" was held, uniting over 900 participants from 45 regions of the country.
In addition, the Department is actively developing the media education area, interacting with the editorial boards of information resources of educational institutions of the region. Thus, on the basis of Derzhavin University, a Community of School Media Participants was created, uniting talented children and teenagers who are improving their skills in blogging and journalism, in the future aimed at further education, professional growth and development.
Since 2022, the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of Derzhavin University has been annually hosting the All-Russian Festival of School Media "proMEDIA" for members of editorial offices, press services and young authors. This year the festival will be held for the fourth time.