On Postgraduate Student’s Day, the Student Scientific Society of Derzhavin University held a special meeting in the format of the "Scientific Battle". The essence of the battle is an open discussion of the dissertation research of the university's postgraduate students. Those present can take the position of the opponent, or side with the postgraduate student. The participant of the "Scientific Battle" gains experience in defending and arguing his position, feedback from representatives of related specialties.
Sergey Murunov, a postgraduate student majoting in Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing (Foreign Languages), a lecturer at the Department of Linguistics and Lingvodidactics of Derzhavin University, spoke at the "Scientific Battle". The topic of his dissertation research is "Methodology for the Formation of Linguistic and Methodological Competence of Future Foreign Language Teachers Based on Artificial Intelligence Technologies".
– I have been working on the research for several years, first as a master's student, and now as a PhD student, – says Sergey Murunov. – The essence of the issue is that at the present stage, taking into account the didactic and linguodidactic potential of artificial intelligence technologies, we combine classical teaching of foreign language teaching methods with the use of AI tools for students to solve methodological problems. Mastering traditional and classical teaching methods allows students to see the advantages and benefits of methodological neural networks and other AI tools and use them in their work, as well as see their limitations. “Scientific Battle” is an unusual project that forces each participant to mobilize and, through cross-discussion, come to an understanding of the significance of their research and the issues that have yet to be considered.
Sergei Murunov's research is being conducted within the framework of the project of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE) on the development of a methodological system for the linguistic and methodological training of future foreign language teachers based on artificial intelligence technologies.
The postgraduate program at Derzhavin University offers training in 12 areas and 30 scientific specialties. The university has five dissertation councils in philological, historical and pedagogical sciences.